Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Siapa yang suka Nastar? ...buatnya memang butuh ketelatenan tp makannya sekejabbbb. Tp aku mau bagi2 resep buatanku sendiri buat rasa dijamin endesss.

Nastar Anchor

Pastry Ingredients  :
    225 gr Anchor salted butter
 400 gr margarine
 4 pcs egg yolks
 4 tea spoon skim milk
 Vanilla essence
 800 gr flour
 50 gr Corn Flour
 130 gr Powder sugar
§       Dry Pineapple jams (Put in the fridge about 1 one hour before it use)

Spreads Ingreadients:
§  2 egg yolks
§  1 tsp milk (if u one more sweet)
§  1/8 tsp honey

     Tutorial :

     1.    In a large bowl, beat butter, margarine and powder sugar for about 5 minutes.
2.    Add the egg yolks one by one.
3.    Gradually sift the flour, and milk powder on top of the batter , mix well.
4.   Take about 7 gram of the pastry batter, flatten it.
5.    Fill the pastry with 3 gram filling and make rounded shapes.
6.   Bake these cookies on a greased baking pan.
7.    Bake at 140°C for 20 minutes.
8.   Take the cookies out from the oven and spread it with the yolks spreads and  
          bake it again at 140°C for 10 – 15 minutes.
9.   Let it cool on a wire rack before serving.